Comments on: Wish If it ain't woke don't miss it Fri, 26 Apr 2024 00:51:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Farah Fri, 26 Apr 2024 00:51:14 +0000 Whoever made Wish should have been fired. I’m apalled that nobody at Disney tried to save Wish from becoming a disaster. In the past, they had saved movies that had troubled development like The Lion King, Toy Story, Beauty and the Beast, and the Emperor’s New Groove. They should have shelved it! They should have get someone who is as talented as John Lassiter or Walt Disney. Someone who cares about the heart of the story. Someone who would make sure that the story has Christian themes (or at least a good message). Another problem with Diversity is that it’s become a code for “Lgbtq+.” Just like people are tired of white men being presented as foolish, stupid, and incapable, I’m tired of this woke trend that women (especially the main heroine) can’t have a love interest unless the girl is secretly lesbian (or all because an actress playing her is lgbtq+). Sorry people but like it or not, homosexuality is a sin and I refuse to condone it or approve it. Back in the 70s, people would be repulsed at seeing a gay character on-screen.

By: Kim Thu, 04 Apr 2024 17:47:54 +0000 Nelson peltz would have been great. He fixes everything and disney needs a fix that iger clearly can’t acheive.

By: James Carrick Mon, 18 Dec 2023 20:42:56 +0000 In reply to Sam.

There is nothing inherently wrong with diversity. That is not something that we’ve ever stated, nor would we. The problem that we have is that Disney’s diversity agenda is so obvious. So, much so that they sing a schlocky song about it, but otherwise, the diversity of the “cast” has nothing to do with the narrative of the film. It exists in the movie for the sole purpose of making the animators feel good about themselves.

The assertion that we (ie. Worth it or Woke) automatically find it annoying if every character isn’t white is foolish, especially if you look at our other reviews in which we praise and defend various actors of color (look at the comments section for A Haunting In Venice or Gran Turismo). If it makes sense for a character to be the race that they are within the context of the narrative and it doesn’t seem as though the race of the character is what it is because the studio wanted to pat themselves on the back, we couldn’t care in the slightest what someone’s melanin levels are.

As far as the gender and race swapping, the movie was so forgettable that the only one that comes to mind at this time is the main character. ***SPOILER*** she is the fairy godmother and this was her new origin story ***END SPOILER***

By: Sweet Deals Mon, 18 Dec 2023 17:21:53 +0000 In reply to Sam.

I wouldn’t say that diversity by itself is the problem. However, I would say that when the color of the characters’ skin is considered their most important and distinguishing feature, that doesn’t really speak well for the rest of them. You can go out of your way to mention that a character is special because she’s biracial brown; her parents come from two different ethnic groups, but the character can still be terribly dull without a single ethnic or interesting bone in her body. (I call this phenomenon the Boring Brown Person. They’re common in children’s cartoons when you want to represent black people positively but are too bland to stand out to avoid being unintentionally offensive).

After watching Wish, it didn’t matter much to me whether a character was brown-skinned or not because most of them were too flat and boring to matter. The depth of each character didn’t go much further beyond whatever role they played the story and other minor schticks, so there wasn’t enough there for me to care about any of them or their hopes and dreams, which in this movie are literally nothing more than mere MacGuffins. The wishes have power, but they don’t go into detail about whether or not pursuing them will make a real difference in people’s lives beyond getting what you want. Whether or not a wish is selfish or possibly harmful is dismissed as a lame excuse for not granting them rather than an actual risk. It also suggests people rely on magic to achieve their goals because they believe actually putting in the effort is too difficult, or that without magic it would be unobtainable. It’s a big missed opportunity, really. There’s a lot that could be said about wishing well.

By: Sam Mon, 18 Dec 2023 13:39:12 +0000 So I read someone else’s comment pointing out “why is diversity such a bad thing” & I agree. Since there was no gender ideology ( being a Disney movie) I took my child to go see it and honestly didn’t find it “annoyingly eye rolling” at all. I think you probably watch it and automatically if every character isn’t white it’s a problem and a song about diversity would be annoying. Then I read that there is both race/gender swapping and that the characters are unoriginal….ummm ok. If there’s an original movie to this someone please let me know.

I grew up watching Disney movies and in almost every single one, the girl isn’t “perfect” due to an evil “white” male—minus the few with an evil female villain. So I’m not sure what that has to do with anything.

By: Informed Mon, 04 Dec 2023 04:20:38 +0000 In reply to Kevin Judge.

I do agree with this. For all the things pointed out it’s on par with things such as knocked it 10 points for having things that could have been woke. Plus even animators were telling outsiders this was high jacked by the woke activists.

By: Kevin Judge Sun, 03 Dec 2023 12:20:36 +0000 Don’t you think your Non-wokeness score is way too high? You pointed out all the woke elements, but still, you are saying it is not woke.

By: Rick K. Thu, 30 Nov 2023 14:34:34 +0000 In reply to Rick K..

(Waves) “Hi, Bob!”

By: Sweet Deals Wed, 29 Nov 2023 21:12:10 +0000 Even setting aside the woke agenda, I’ve chosen to skip many of Disney’s offerings over the past ten years because I didn’t think I would enjoy them. Disney built its legacy by hiring the most talented artists and creative thinkers and encouraging them to improve their craft. They went on to create some of the most beautiful and enduring works of art. Not everything Disney did was “original”; their movies were adapted from or inspired by traditional fairy tales and novels, but they were able to take things people already loved and turn them into things we cherished.

Lately, it seems that Disney’s creative staff is made up of people who adored Disney movies as children, began their careers writing fan fiction in middle school, and because they got praised by their middle school peers for it, they thought that what they were doing was the pinnacle of greatness and never considered that they might want to get better. I personally think a lot of Disney’s current fare is made up of stories that resemble fan fiction written by middle schoolers seeking the approval of other middle schoolers, except with a much bigger technical and marketing budget. And this goes for popular culture across the board. I think that over the past several years that creators are getting lazier, and even veterans who made things I previously enjoyed are making sloppier works today either due to over-reliance on stale ideas, obnoxious attention-seeking behaviors or peer pressure to conform to the woke agenda. It becomes more difficult to trust new things and enjoy them as a result.

By: Steve Mol Wed, 29 Nov 2023 18:28:54 +0000 In reply to Rick K..

Yeah, Elon Musk brining back John Lasseter.

John was fired from Disney Animation, started Pixar, insisted on good STORIES, bought out by Disney Animation, put in charge (of the very same failing animation department from which he had been fired), and then unceremoniously terminated on ACCUSATIONS (no due process).

John knows what Walt knew.

Without John, or someone like John, family entertainment cannot occur.
