Comments on: The Last of Us (Season 1) If it ain't woke don't miss it Tue, 09 Jul 2024 19:58:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: not a retard Sun, 14 Apr 2024 06:05:41 +0000 lmfao this is stupid. ellie is absolutely not a “hindrance” to joel in the game. dont speak on ###### when you havent played it my god.

By: James Carrick Mon, 28 Aug 2023 17:22:00 +0000 In reply to Vikram Sharma.

Water under the bridge.

God bless

By: Vikram Sharma Mon, 28 Aug 2023 17:11:37 +0000 In reply to James Carrick.

Yeah, I definitely deserve to be on the wall of shame for that. It can serve as an object lesson to A) don’t overreact and B) exercise some patience. I’m the one who probably deserves a brick through my window. Sorry again for my stupidity.

By: James Carrick Mon, 28 Aug 2023 14:00:01 +0000 In reply to Vikram Sharma.

Nothing says, “I’m conservative” like wishing violence upon me and my family because it took longer than you would have liked for me to have seen and approved your nonsense and unsubstantiated comment.

Excerpt from the unhinged email sent to me fewer than 20 minutes after his original comment was submitted.

violence wished upon me and my family

P.S. I was at my little girl’s birthday party at the time.

P.P.S. Troll

P.P.P.S. Anyone who comes to my house looking to do harm to my family or to me should be prepared to enjoy the lead fruits of many hours spent at the gun range. If you get past the 115lbs dog.

By: Vikram Sharma Sun, 27 Aug 2023 21:23:08 +0000 My husband and I are gay conservatives and we found each other. Glad you aren’t running reality, because I guess you’d rather we were all miserable and lonely. Your attitude is the reason why moderates will keep pushing back against you. Maybe stop making assumptions about what all gay people are like. And for the record, I despised that episode for romanticizing suicide and implying a nihilistic world view where suffering has no value. But you seem more angry at the mere existence of gay people. Again, maybe consider that we might not all be flag-waving activists, and want the same things you do: a home, a family and to be letf alone to live our lives.

By: Liberalism is a Disease Wed, 21 Jun 2023 20:26:46 +0000 It’s funny as I read this whole thing how much I noticed the same thing. The teacup grip by the conservative gay survivalist was comical, I even paused it to make sure I saw it right.

The whole show is pretty woke-heavy, but I think it’s somewhat more tempered than most other shows are. What I do know, given that HBO is a woke-happy network, is that this will get hella-woke in future episodes because the far left video game coders that wrote this in a leftist manner weren’t left enough for HBO.

On a side note: requiring CAPTCHA every time someone posts, while I get it, is super annoying with that whack-a-mole style verification. Allow people to create accounts or something, this is too annoying to comment frequently.

By: Dreddmartyr Tue, 20 Jun 2023 05:59:29 +0000 Ellie’s actress and acting choice is the worst I’ve ever seen. It’s not even a shadow of the source material in the interest of a world without fearful female roles with real world emotions of a child who’s spent her entire life in a confined community now facing a very real and terrifying world outside those walls.
Her foul mouth, tough btch attitude is repellent that I can’t sympathise with her. EVER. I was a big fan of everything about the game’s story and characters. The show just takes everything good and puts it’s socio-politicial agenda flavour to it – ruining that which made the franchise a huge success.
Will not be watching season 2.

By: Zeerin Mon, 12 Jun 2023 00:26:54 +0000 In reply to Hardly.

That’s not quite true. Sam and Henry *were* in the game. The difference is just that Sam wasn’t deaf in the game. A minor difference that could be argued to be in part meritocracy since the actual actor was deaf too.

By: Tina Mallory Mon, 05 Jun 2023 17:28:34 +0000 I’m the target market for this show, I loved The Walking Dead. When I found out that the girl in it was a “they” and non-binary, I decided not to watch. Likewise, if a character is considered a minority and they want to shove their woke BS down my throat, I will also not be watching it. It’s funny, I went to a hippy camp, was completely anti-racist up until two years ago. I still am not a racist, but I can’t stand watching “the message” anymore because it isn’t true. Everything changes when you see white people being labeled falsely as racists by grifters, when a woke grifter wins millions of dollars from equinox and she’s in the wrong, etc. etc. I can’t watch them in shows, and I certainly can’t stand anymore of this woke BS. Enough with the “they’s” they are boring, perhaps this show is good, but I’m not watching it.

By: Hardly Thu, 01 Jun 2023 14:09:13 +0000 The deaf kid and his brother were not in the game. They were out there to check more boxes, and the kid having a disability now makes this woke sermon eligible for an Oscar. Also more white liberal torture porn – watching a poor disabled black boy get shot by his brother, who then kills himself. Those evil white people. Saying this sarcastically as a mixed raced Hispanic.
