Comments on: Batman ’89 If it ain't woke don't miss it Tue, 16 Jul 2024 00:55:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: trump fist pump Tue, 16 Jul 2024 00:50:40 +0000 ktuff, i hope trump throws you in a detention camp

By: Ktuff_morning Mon, 13 May 2024 19:32:00 +0000 This must be an old review since you sound even-tempered and you let a black man off the hook. Conservatives get more and more radical as the drug starts to lose its’ effectiveness after all. Not unlike the modern republican party radicalized death cult. I must say you’re getting evermore stringent in your reviews. If this is in fact a new review I’d admit I’m wrong and I’d be impressed.

However. Billy Dee Williams is a fine actor and appropriate for the role on his own merits, but the fact remains he was put in there because of the color of his skin for mass appeal at the box office; minorities must be thrown a bone so to speak which is certainly not Burton’s decision but the producers. So is it woke? Is the profit motive woke Mr Capitalist? Tell me.

If not, then isn’t all woke not woke at all but just a cynical money grab? How do you know they really give a crap about any virtue they push when it makes them dollars? How do you know they aren’t using virtue-signaling to forestall criticism simply from a profit perspective?

How cynical is your money grab for selling tshirts that smear the stutterer Biden as demented anyway? You’re just as bad, if not worse because the only virtue you signal is destruction, death and chaos.
