Comments on: Superman The Movie If it ain't woke don't miss it Mon, 12 Feb 2024 17:10:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Carrick Mon, 14 Aug 2023 13:28:01 +0000 In reply to derek coster.

That’s awesome!

By: derek coster Mon, 14 Aug 2023 12:59:53 +0000 Great article. I can’t usually stand super hero movies but this one is different as I actually saw a scene being filmed. I was a 16 year old just starting work at Pinewood Studios and a friend of my Dad who had got me the job was working as a security guard and told me to come on to the set and ask for him. Things weren’t so strict back then so I got there and watched the filming of the scene where Lex Luthor is confronting Superman with Kryptonite in the ruined Subway bit. I remember it was a very slow process and do recall the light in the Kryptonite box kept going out.
I also saw a chair with Marlon Brando’s name on it although he wasn’t in the scene. I think I could have walked off with it as security wasn’t much of a thing then and the sets were left unlocked when everybody cleared off to eat or drink.
Gene Hackman and Chris Reeves on top form. A great memory.
