Comments on: What Is A Woman? If it ain't woke don't miss it Sun, 02 Jun 2024 01:06:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Charles Sun, 02 Jun 2024 01:06:58 +0000 In reply to biden.

If we’re equal it’s not mansplaining its logic… I guess we’re not equal. That was way too emotional to be equal to male logic.

By: Selrisitai Sun, 10 Dec 2023 00:09:42 +0000 In reply to TrulyWoke.

You’re trying to create some kind of universal reality, but the fact is that the word “gender” was synonymous—ergo, interchangeable—with the word “sex” for most of its existence. Only recently did the definition “social roles” become a definition of the word “gender.”

Even if “gender” always meant “societal roles based on sex,” your assertion that Matt Walsh’s position is “incoherent” would still be incorrect, because despite the obfuscating language and the claim from gender ideologists that they’re not concerned with biological sex, the truth is that they think that not only are genders (by their definition) are social constructs, but sex itself is a social construct, and that genitals are just coincidences.

A woman is a woman because she is a woman, and THEREFORE she will need a man to open a jar for her. There’s nothing prescriptive here, this is an observation of physical reality. Your belief that women don’t need men to open their jars is a foolhardy one that has never made anyone happy. Men don’t complain that they have to open the jars, but feminists love to complain that men happily open jars for them. Consider why such an insane scenario would exist. It AIN’T because men told women they couldn’t open jars and women, being fully capable of opening jars, resented it.
Men kept being asked to open jars, by women, and so they noted it. And then women resented it. Why?

By: Al Thu, 17 Aug 2023 05:50:46 +0000 What is with all these downvotes to perfectly reasonable comments? Can people really not stand facts, logic, or that someone may hold a different opinion to them? What I really don’t get with this movement, if biology and genitals don’t define gender how does removing them affirm it?

By: Ano Tue, 04 Jul 2023 07:35:08 +0000 In reply to august cornelia.

Although that might be true in part, at least he can give a non-circulair answer on the question. So he’s both asking the question and telling his point of view. Although it might seem long forgotten, it’s ‘ trying’ to start a conversation/discussion not just making a claim and run away when it gets challenged.

By: august cornelia Mon, 03 Jul 2023 17:08:09 +0000 In reply to Ray.

he tells the viewer because the movie unsurprinsingly has a narrative
he is not asking people without bias, hes guiding the entire doc to a conclusion lmao
literally watch just the ending scene

By: Mike D. Wed, 28 Jun 2023 18:55:05 +0000 If this is indeed a journey filled with monsters and morons, then kudos to whoever picked Matt Walsh to front it. He fits both bills!

By: Bob Barker Mon, 26 Jun 2023 08:58:20 +0000 @TrulyWoke

Biology == Gender.

It’s in the linguistics of the word. The term ‘Gender’ refers to a language model which identifies the biological concept of ‘male’ and ‘female’; all languages (English, Russian, Chinese, Yu’pik, Cherokee… pretty much everybody since the beginning of time) have done this, at the very least, from the beginning of language.

Now, Gender roles are social constructs; I come from an egalitarian society, where gender roles are fluid based on skills, preferences and expectations. I grew up with my grandmother and then my aunts being the leaders of the family.

Gender roles =! gender

Linguistically speaking, the ‘gender’ in ‘gender roles’ acts as an adjective to tell the reader/listener about the specific type of ‘roles’ to which the speaker refers; however, ‘gender’ as a noun refers to any given language’s commonly accepted rules about how to refer to the biological traits that makes a person a ‘male’ or a ‘female’. to be sure, there are more genders, such as hermaphrodite; but, these biological traits are rare and produce a non-functioning sexual system, on average.

TL;DR – The term ‘gender’ is a linguistic construct that allows speakers to reference biological beings with specific reproductive attributes.

By: TrulyWoke Tue, 20 Jun 2023 21:19:39 +0000 Gender ideology is a load of mysognistic rubbish and has left me both alienated from the left and politically homeless (hence my username, TrulyWoke), but Matt Walsh’s thesis in this ‘film’ is also utterly incorrect.

Biology =/= gender

Gender roles are social constructs and they always have been. A woman is a woman because she is biologically female, not because she needs a man to open a jar for her.

By: Jennifer Mon, 19 Jun 2023 21:48:05 +0000 In reply to biden.

I watched this movie the night it premiered in 2022 and yes, it was fascinating to see how so many women have been shut down and shut out by men forcing them to be quiet about their privacy concerns. Look at all the female athletes being told by men, “You don’t have the right to be uncomfortable with men watching you undress in the privacy of your locker room. You don’t have the right to be uncomfortable seeing a stranger’s private parts in your locker room. You don’t have the right to medal in your own event when a man wants to compete with you.” Praise God for Matt Walsh shining a light on this. The trans ideology and movement is the opposite of inclusive and it very much represses women’s rights. Thanks for pointing this out.

By: Charles Mon, 19 Jun 2023 18:08:14 +0000 Remarkable film. Academic prevarication and obfuscation at its worst.
You got the impression they were not fully aware the ideology possessing them had destroyed any real empathy they may have had. They appeared to be cut off from their own humanity, almost robotically following ideological orders. I can think of instances in mid C20 history where equally possessed people behaved in much the same perversely innocent way, detached from their own humanity and human respect for others. Ideology must come before humanity.
What is a Woman is a chilling warning of the reality that the educated and intelligent, particularly those who may be slightly inadequate and more likely to go with the herd, contrary to popular belief,are the most vulnerable to ideological possession and consequent detachment from humanity.
