Comments on: Inside Out 2 If it ain't woke don't miss it Fri, 26 Jul 2024 23:12:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lookielookie8 Fri, 26 Jul 2024 23:12:54 +0000 In reply to doug.

As someone with experience in girls’ hockey (my 13-year-old daughter plays travel hockey), it’s misrepresenting the diversity on girls’ hockey teams. At most, there are a couple of Asian girls and for some city teams a black girl or two. It is overwhelmingly white no matter if it’s a city, suburban, or more rural team. If it was a girl’s basketball team and had mostly black girls, I wouldn’t be bringing it up since there is a higher chance of black girls playing basketball over white girls. But look up San Francisco Girls Hockey. There are very few other races that play girls’ hockey. If they were looking for the true makeup of a girls hockey team, they failed.

By: Lookielookie8 Fri, 26 Jul 2024 23:08:08 +0000 I liked the movie overall and it still hit me in the feels (not as much as the first) but I had to laugh at the diversity on the hockey team. I am a father to a 13-year-old hockey daughter. She has been playing on a travel team for about 5 years now on Long Island. We have traveled to plenty of places (NJ, CT, PA, VA, Buffalo, RI). Let me just say, that in the entire time I have watched her play (only missed one game in her entire travel hockey career), I have yet to see even close to the diversity that was in Inside Out 2. Not saying it doesn’t exist out there, but it’s highly unlikely. The vast majority of all teams she has ever played including her own was white. Maybe one or two Asian girls on some teams. Philly has some black players. I rarely saw Hispanic players and have seen only a couple of Middle Eastern players (certainly none wearing a hijab). It’s a massively expensive sport (about 5k a year, plus all the equipment, hotels, tolls, gas, food, entertainment, and to progress you need to pay for private sessions and clinics). Ice times vary wildly because girls tend to get the spots that are leftover after the many many boys leagues. Ice rinks do not exist in inner cities and it’s never been viewed as a non white sport like basketball or football. I get the concept of trying to show that any ethnicity can play hockey (I welcome more girls to join, we need all the talent we can get), but it’s just not at all realistic. Even though San Fran is diverse, white people make up the largest percentage at around 40%. Asians make up about 33%, blacks about 5%. No way teams, even in a diverse city like San Fran look like what they portrayed there. I looked up some pictures for local girls hockey and it’s vastly white. It’s diversity for diversities sake.

By: Taylor Tue, 23 Jul 2024 13:23:09 +0000 In reply to Giorgio.

You say that because it’s a sequel and wth? They were hardly any boys in the 1st movie too, except Riley’s crush in the end, so that argument falls trash. This is about Riley and her emotions, not love life and guys, and y’all acting like you’re just hearing about an all girls sport team in 2024. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

By: Taylor Tue, 23 Jul 2024 12:49:31 +0000 In reply to Jhon Gomez.

Or you’re just 100% sad, delusional and paranoid 🤡🤡🤡🤡

By: Sweet Deals Fri, 19 Jul 2024 19:09:13 +0000 In reply to Review Poster.

I have a thought on forced diversity.

When a cast is brown-washed, a woke person might think that she’s saying “It’s okay to be brown-skinned and you shouldn’t view it as a limitation”. But it’s not that simple. Every time the cast inappropriately shoves in a brown person, a perfectly good white person ends up getting pushed out. The more times this occurs, it sends another not-so-subtle message: “Brown-skinned people are superior. If you’re white, you’re not good enough”.

This may seem like a cognitive distortion, but the more it is reinforced, the more it will breed anxiety, envy and low self-esteem, not only among white kids who are disparaged as inferior, but also among brown kids who feel that their success is unearned. And DEI is not merely based in misguided kindness. Creating divisions and sowing anxiety, envy and low self-esteem is very intentional. The worse people feel about themselves, the easier they are to manipulate.

By: MalC Fri, 19 Jul 2024 13:39:39 +0000 In reply to Derek Tombrello.

Gay people existing is not “pushing” an agenda.

Pretending you can erase ‘the gay’ would be pushing an agenda – as would implying you can ‘turn’ people gay. Neither of those things is a real thing; gay people are a real thing.

By: Giorgio Tue, 16 Jul 2024 14:17:34 +0000 I didn’t hate this movie, but I’m not crazy about it either.
And, do you remember the end of the IO1? When we see the “puberty” alarm going off? What was it about then? Correct, Riley met a boy.
Well, apparently in this movie they were so scared of the direction they were heading to, that they completely removed boys, the only male character being the father. As much as we can appreciate they neutralized the “rainbow” narrative, in my opinion they end up neutralizing the whole movie.
The first one will always be special for me, this one not so much.

By: James Carrick Tue, 16 Jul 2024 00:19:36 +0000 In reply to Review Poster.

We do not believe that organic diversity is inherently “woke.” What becomes “woke” is when diversity is forced to meet Hollywood’s quotas. Consider this example: if a movie about inner-city basketball featured only one or two black kids, it would rightly be seen as unrealistic. But what if the filmmakers cast it this way, not to enhance the narrative, but out of a misguided sense of social justice? What if they did it because they believed that portraying an almost all-black inner-city basketball team was racist for no other reason than because of their skin color? This misguided belief mirrors the outspoken and documented approach at Disney, where diversity in the hockey team (in this case) is forced under similar assumptions about white people.

By: Review Poster Mon, 15 Jul 2024 23:31:27 +0000 In reply to Tai.

I came to look at the review after watching the movie because I thought it was leaning toward being woke. Although gender ideology/ the LBGTQ Agenda isn’t in your face in this movie I’ll read the review if theirs a third. I just wanted an honest opinion because although *SPOILER ALERT* it seems like Riley has crushes on boys, her obsession/ body language toward Val had me immediately wondering. But I’m an adult. Kids wouldn’t think so. I even googled it. Anyways after reading the review, my thoughts aren’t shared. So I could be wrong. What I am wondering about is why the DiVersity thing was under woke elements. I guess I’m a little confused as to why that’s considered a bad thing. Am I missing something? I understand that a large percentage of Hockey players are white, but what’s the big deal if their diverse in the movie? Wouldn’t that be a positive portrayal for children that aren’t white to feel like they can play it too? So I’m really confused about that one…and reading the other comments, someone said “the movies not woke, maybe apart from the hijab” which I also don’t understand how someone’s religious belief/ command (in their religion) is woke? Last time I checked, religious freedom is part of the protection of the actual first amendment lol…This one definitely doesn’t matter since it’s someone else’s opinion and not the OP’s view. But I guess I just don’t see how that is woke at all— such as LBGTQ being hammered into children’s minds etc.

By: Colon Been Mon, 15 Jul 2024 21:12:08 +0000 Thanks for your review, I agree with it. It is clear that they so much desperately wanted to put useless misplaced forced diversity into this (eg, the hockey team), but they kept it under control and it stayed on the fringes.

I am 200% convinced that this movie has been severely edited to remove more political contents. it seems they are finally reining it in and got the right message from audiences (those paying tickets, not justice warriors). Even for someone who is very liberal, yet not US based, the domestic political messaging (irrelevant or misplaced for international markets and for 50% of the domestic one) was really insufferable.

The movie itself is so delicate in how it treats puberty that it’s a bliss. Compare it with Turning Red, and… well just don’t compare it with Turning Red (I am glad it went straight to streaming, so we could watch it beforehand, I really wouldn’t want to seat in a theater trying to explain 90% of that movie to a kid). We watched Inside Out 2 with the kids and it was as it used to be.

It’s time to reward the new route. Welcome back, Disney!
