Comments on: The Wingfeather Saga (Season 2) If it ain't woke don't miss it Wed, 10 Jul 2024 06:23:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Carrick Fri, 26 Apr 2024 20:49:37 +0000 In reply to CJ.


By: CJ Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:58:40 +0000 Hi James,
Off-topic question for you. Is WioW planning to review the Knuckles series on Paramount+?

By: Sweet Deals Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:23:56 +0000 In reply to Bunny With A Keyboard.

You’re putting a band-aid on a much deeper woke issue. Racial diversity isn’t about showing people who live in other lands with different and interesting ways of life. It’s about forcing people with different skin colors to all live in the same place without any regard as to their cultural roots or why they would choose to move there.

I’ve been told one of the core tenets of woke philosophy is that all human beings are people who are worthy of respect. I’ve also been told that another core tenet of woke philosophy is intersectionality: those who belong in or identify with certain groups that are higher on the intersectionality scale are automatically praiseworthy and deserving of greater privilege, while those lower on the intersectionality scale are automatically deserving of scorn. In other words, not all human beings are worthy of respect, and woke philosophy is hypocritical and based entirely on lies.

A side-effect of intersectionality is that the scale doesn’t benefit everyone who belongs in a given minority group; only the ones who happen to adhere to a convenient set of stereotypes. Woke philosophy reduces entire demographics into a set of symbols, and then turns them into status symbols. The more status symbols you have, the more praise you receive. It’s why people who fake being a member of an aggrieved minority group get more sympathy than actual members of that minority group, and why people who practice woke philosophy act so condescendingly toward those who don’t perceive themselves as victims.

It takes time and effort to research how real people live. Their culture is a reflection of their history, their family background, and their environment. I understand that everyone wants to be recognized, feel valued, and have their stories told. But no one wants to be a token. Woke philosophy reduces everyone and everything into tokens, devaluing us all.

…I am sorry I wrote that. Please go back to enjoying the show.

By: Bunny With A Keyboard Fri, 19 Apr 2024 16:08:52 +0000 If people really want racial diversity in fantasy stories, it’s easy enough to come up with a teleportation or magical portal fix where some old wizard set up something to bring the continents together. Imagine Stargate but on every continent instead of on different planets. If you don’t want it as an option in your world, you can say that they were broken some time ago, leaving people stranded.

There. A very easy fix for people who want racial diversity in everything but understand that stuff needs to make sense. I leave it offered for anyone and everyone who wants it.

By: Eddie Thu, 18 Apr 2024 03:29:49 +0000 Such a great kids show. It’s refreshing to have new content in that arena that isn’t woke trash.

By: Cari Thu, 18 Apr 2024 03:29:49 +0000 I’m a huge fan of the book series this show is based on. Yes, there was some diversity for diversity’s sake in the show (looking at YOU, Sara Cobbler), but other than that, it’s an incredible series (albeit not exactly true to the books).
Thanks for giving this underrated show a review!
