Comments on: A Million Miles Away If it ain't woke don't miss it Thu, 25 Apr 2024 16:19:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Di Thu, 25 Apr 2024 16:02:25 +0000 Interesting. I severely disliked the interview of Mike Pena where he talked about not getting roles and how he had it the hard way so he has a track with the hero’s life experience. Well, you live in a majority white country, so of course, you are not going to get a lot of roles when considering you are in a group that comprises only 17% of the population. That was illogical and woke even though I’ve met Mike and I liked him and know he is not really like that. Still the pain of seeing this ideology pushed everywhere did activate that button and made me not want to watch it. But you did change my mind about the movie.

As to a poster talking about bad and good Latinos, I have an opinion on that, based on my observations as a foreigner. People bring their culture with them, wherever they come from. When we look at the countries they come from, we can see that corruption is part and parcel of the cultures they grow up in. So they do bring that, and even though there is a lot of good in their culture, they unfortunately carry this over here as well.

By: HaveASideDishOfNuance Thu, 07 Dec 2023 17:47:01 +0000 In reply to Hogster.

Your attempted dig at Americans is betraying your ignorance. Latino/a is a term used in the US to refer to people from South America. While there may be some actual Spanish (or other Mediterranean) blood in latin people from Spanish conquests, the majority of latin people do not share blood with Europeans. Your blanket statement suggests otherwise and is misleading and uninformed. (I know you used “most latinos” and will likely try to use that as a fallback, but even then, no, it is not “most”)

I will agree on the point that many of the latin people I have met do have very good values and work ethics. Then again I have met those that do not. It’s almost like one could find both good and bad in all races. Huh.

By: Brandon Sun, 15 Oct 2023 00:57:14 +0000 When the movie started I really thought the whole movie was going to be about race. I was presently surprised to find out it was not. I think it was well done. There were a few scenes where I thought they were playing the race card but they didn’t. They didn’t paint Caucasians in a bad light. The beginning was more about the struggles of the family working on the farm and moving around. But it did not use race to place the blame on anyone. It was more speaking to what was actually happening during that time with immigration and labor but didn’t play it off as a race card. But again, it was never painted in a negative light. I can see how a lot of people would be turned off immediately and stop watching. But it doesn’t paint the picture as a racial thing, but more about the struggles the family is going through. I think this is the part where most would turn it off if they were going to.

The movie was not about him being denied because of his race as someone else stated. It was due to his lack of skills. They even addressed this. I will say that they that there were two particular lines during this discussion where the wife seemed to kind of take a stab at “whites” but the main character kind of brushed her off and kind of corrected here. I think these two lines might have been what turned people off and started calling it woke. I don’t feel like they were over the top by any means, and the main character sort of corrected / dismissed the statement. I should point out that these lines were factual in what they said. So I took it with a grain of salt.

There was another scene where the secretary thinks he is a janitor. It was never stated the reasoning but it was played out as if it was because of his race. However, this drove part of the story, and again was not over the top. I felt it was justified and was well done. It was not preachy but kind of made a joke about it later in the movie. It felt it fit with the story.

These were really the only things I saw that stood out as being woke, and I felt that they really weren’t and could easily be argued as realistic for its time.

Overall I thought the story was great. It pulled at the heartstrings, but in a good way. It is a feel good movie, and as far as “Wokeness” goes I would say on a scale of 1-10, I would rate it a 0.5. Nothing like these other movies coming out. I really agree with its rating of being “Non-Woke”.

By: Brandon Sat, 14 Oct 2023 22:00:33 +0000 Having “Wokeness” in a movie is 100% about how topics are portrayed, not the topics themselves. I don’t think that anyone would disagree that there is at least some racism in the world. To portray racism isn’t woke, it’s the way it is portrayed that makes it woke. If the main character’s identity or the story revolves and/or is driven by the racism, then it is woke. But if the main character encounters racism and overcomes it without being portrayed as a victim or being vindictive, then I think that is the most anti-woke message that can be sent.

At the time of this writing, I am not for or against the movie, as I have not seen it yet, but I am very interested. I will be curious to see how they handle the topics.

By: Nick C Fri, 13 Oct 2023 16:15:17 +0000 Given the current cultural environment, it was hard to tell exactly why they were harping on the ‘farmer immigrant’ angle – whether it was to emphasis Jose’s journey or shoe-horn in wokeness. It’s left to interpretation, I guess. But that’s part of why wokeness is such a cancer. It sucks the life out of everything to the point that I have to question the motives behind why parts of our hero’s journey is emphasized. But whatever that reason, one thing is clear: Jose didn’t get to where he is because it was ‘his turn.’ Rather, he very clearly puts in the arduous effort and the painful sacrifices required to become the best of the best on the planet.
I wholeheartedly agree with James’ summary. This isn’t like nu-Trek where diverse characters are on screen to quite literally just fill a quota. This is more like old Trek, where you didn’t get to be on the bridge unless you were the absolutely best at what you did. Jose put in the work, *earned* his spot at NASA and merited his position beyond any doubt.

Merit: The antithesis of the woke agenda.

Great movie

By: Kevin Fri, 13 Oct 2023 07:03:28 +0000 In reply to Selrisitai.

I’m as unwoke as they come and believe me, this movie is worth it. It’s a great story, and the message is uplifting for any viewer. It doesn’t pander to a specific group. The message is clear, no matter who you are, if you put in the hard work, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. And the performance by Peña is excellent.

By: Kevin Fri, 13 Oct 2023 06:57:57 +0000 In reply to Hank Hoggins.

I just finished this movie and had the “woke” discussion with my wife. We concluded that if this movie portrayed NASA as being discriminatory toward Hernandez simply for being a Mexican then it would truly be woke, as one point of wokeness is to try to convince people that America is a fundamentally racist and bigoted country. This movie reaffirms the fact that no matter who you are or your background, if you put in the hard work you can achieve anything in this country.

By: Brad Williams Sun, 24 Sep 2023 12:57:16 +0000 In reply to James Carrick.

Careful they’ll try to bait you into making the site seem like it’s run by racists. If it’s historically accurate it’s inclusion is never WOKE.

By: James Carrick Fri, 22 Sep 2023 20:58:56 +0000 In reply to CE.

Just to be clear, you’re saying that we should have marked this movie as woke because it’s a true life story about an American-born Mexican American. Do I have that right?

By: CE Fri, 22 Sep 2023 20:45:25 +0000 In reply to Hank Hoggins.

+1 to this – def not the first time. Love the site/idea but these missed opportunities to label things correctly are definitely adding up and making this site far less useful.
