Comments on: Blue Beetle If it ain't woke don't miss it Tue, 16 Jul 2024 02:23:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Belanah Mon, 08 Jan 2024 21:24:53 +0000 In reply to Pronouns soyjim.

Actually black Beetle is a real character. He’s an alien species know as the Reach and he’s super powerful b/c he let his symbiotic take full control. There is also a green Beetle.

By: Mike Sun, 03 Dec 2023 07:47:11 +0000 Just watched and I thought it was funny that the only good white character is Jenny Kord, who is played by a Latin actress, so even though they had to have an insider from
Kord steal the beetle, they couldn’t show a white person as a hero.

By: James Fri, 27 Oct 2023 01:33:07 +0000 It’s not really woke apart from the fact that there are few if any “good” white people in the movie (I believe a few come to help rebuild?) But really, that’s about it. It’s about family. Pro family is not woke.
Not a pro commie movie. It’s not showing that they are satisfied with capitalism…nor are most non-woke people to be completely honest.
It’s a good, decent movie. It should have shown better “white” and “Latino” relations; but otherwise, it was good and pretty fun.

By: Mega-Matt Thu, 26 Oct 2023 15:37:04 +0000 Hello James!

I am new here and read all your articles how you pointed out some things.

And I had with issues since Star Wars sequels crap and Netflix She Ra when all I had been forced to watch and wanted them to be non canon. Anyway when you pointed out how Jaime stood up for a woman that she blows him off that she can take care of herself as you said about how saving a woman is now seen as problematic but not for untrained women saving super powered man.

The same how Finn goes to try to save Rey but get sabotage when Rey saves herself constantly. It makes me wake up and feel offended how it destroys a man’s pride in wanting to save someone and gets rejected and unappreciated.

Also since you doing like cartoon articles can you do the He-Man CGI that was on Netflix. It was good and better than Kevin Smith version.

By: bryan Sat, 07 Oct 2023 21:18:06 +0000 I have a question.. When Nana starts shooting and says something about “Imperialists” , just WHAT revolution did she fight in? (Consider that Victoria Cord at one point in the movie was selling Cord services to the anti-Communists )
I’m wondering if Cubans in America should be royally pissed about this movie?

By: Robby Mon, 04 Sep 2023 08:18:31 +0000 In reply to James Carrick.

It’s that blasted superhero rule

By: Bruely Fri, 25 Aug 2023 19:01:41 +0000 In reply to Pronouns soyjim.

Not lantin “X”

By: Austin Tue, 22 Aug 2023 21:42:27 +0000 In reply to James Carrick.

Yeah, I totally agree. I thought the reason that Jaime told his family he would catch up was because he was going to stop Carapax from killing Kord. But instead he just sort of watches and then leaves. What was the point of that? Haha!

By: James Carrick Tue, 22 Aug 2023 19:13:52 +0000 In reply to Austin.

Lol. I completely agree about the guard being impaled, and thought the same thing.

***SPOILER*** Not only did Carapax get off easy, but the “good guys” didn’t bat an eyelash at him straight up murdering an unarmed woman! She might have been evil but she was also defenseless. What happened to Jaime? He spent half of the movie overtly not killing armed people who were actively trying to kill him and his family, and now not a word. Not only that, but it took place one minue after Jaime stopped himself from killing Carapax and firmly establishing his boundaries and sense of mercy.

By: Austin Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:17:27 +0000 Score: 6-7
This film wasn’t near as bad as I thought it might be. At least most of the woke outcries are contained within Uncle Rudy’s character, and the other characters don’t seem to be in agreement with him (they usually just ignore him or are like, “Come on, Rudy..”).

Yes, all the white people are bad (the receptionist scene being the worse.. ugh!), but I was actually happy to see that a lot of Kord’s henchman were black; it’s nice to not have your skin color be the only one inhabited by villains lol!

I thought Jaime’s father was absolutely precious. A warm, loving, hard-working man who is always optimistic and GRATEFUL!!! (An illegal immigrant character being grateful through hardships in a 2023 movie?! Is this real life?!)

They did a really good job with the suit, IMO. It kinda reminded me of a Power Rangers costume. I love how you could tell they used it practically a lot and enhanced it with CGI. In fact, I thought the CGI was pretty great outside of the Flamingos. Were those a last-minute addition or something?

I enjoyed the fight choreography, especially the hand-to-hand stuff! I thought it was choreographed well, and there were a low number of cuts.

People who grew up in a Latino culture will be able to get more out of this film — there were a bunch of references I didn’t get. Thankfully, my wife is Brazilian, so she was able to fill me in on much of it!

I do think Carapax got off easy at the end, and his retribution seemed way too easy.
There was also one scene which bothered me. When they’re walking around in the Beetle mech, Rudy impales one of the guards, and everyone takes this as a joke. Jaime’s sister even shouts something like, “3,000 points!” Like, that’s a man who probably has a family, and y’all aren’t veterans of war (except grandma), so it just makes y’all seem like psychopaths. It also is out of sync with Jaime’s character, who is extremely against killing.
