
Renfield has a boss and a job that both suck. What about his movie?
Nicolas Cage, Nicholas Hoult, Awkwafina
Chris McKay
Action, Dark Comedy, Horror
Release date
April 14, 2023
Overall Score
Rating Overview
Rating Summary
Starring Nicolas Cage as Dracula, and Nicholas Hoult as the titular character, Renfield is a thematically muddled mess of a film that is equal parts brilliant and atrocious. For every instance of genius (mostly delivered by Cage), there's an equally cringe-worthy moment delivered with all of the directorial aplomb of an Elizabeth Banks. It’s like watching two different films inter-spliced with one another. One is laugh-out-loud funny with brilliant performances and is among the most original dark comedies in years. The other is a plodding and cheaply produced by-the-numbers 80s cop revenge flick. Needless to say, the two do not mix with any sense of cohesion.
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Renfield and Cocaine Bear were the two movies that I was most looking forward to this year. How unfortunate that both were such disappointments. I guess that I’ll have to look forward to The Flash (for which I have very mixed feelings).


Robert Montague Renfield was once an enthusiastic young lawyer with a wife and child. Sometime in the 1890s, in an effort to secure a lucrative land deal and realize his ambitions, he ill-advisedly solicited Count Dracula. From that moment until the present day, Renfield has been the Prince of Darkness’s slave, serving him the blood of innocents in exchange for immortality and a taste of power.

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Then one day, while stalking his master’s prey, he came upon a self-help group for abused co-dependents, and, for the first time in centuries, his eyes were opened to the possibility of a life without his dark master’s influence. Now, armed with a seed of self-confidence and a self-help book, Renfield goes on a journey of self-discovery to become the healthy independent man of which he dreams.

Sounds like a pretty sound foundation for something interesting, doesn’t it? Well, read the plot synopsis for the other half of the movie, and tell me if you think the two make sense when put together.

5-foot-nothing rapper/comedienne professionally known as Awkwafina, who is best known for her 10-year-old YouTube song, “My Vag,” plays a hard-as-nails yet goofball cop in a precinct full of dirty cartoon cops owned by the very crime family responsible for the abduction and murder of her father. Now, consumed by her pain, she vows to take revenge and bring the crime family to justice…by cursing a lot and openly and publicly mocking the precinct for being on the take, also she makes silly faces.

To say that, in a vampire movie, hers was the only performance to truly suck, would not only be cliche, but accurate. For half of the movie, her performance is reminiscent of a fish flopping around where it has no business being. For the other half, she looks lost in the company of her betters. Truly, it felt as if the only direction that she got from director Chris McKay, was “Just do what you do.”

This was a really challenging film to critique because, unlike the tragically outclassed Awkwafina, Nicholas Hoult gives his usual excellent and nuanced performance that almost always elevates the material that he’s given. Furthermore, Nicolas Cage is riotously funny as Dracula, hamming it up and chewing on the scenery with his oversized canines in exactly the way that you expect from him. When the two are together, their chemistry is otherworldly. That’s why it’s such a travesty that theirs is actually the C-plot.

The main storyline is the flat and unearned admiration that Renfield feels for Awkwafina’s (I feel like a child even writing that name) Rebecca because he saw her stand up to a group of bad guys. That’s right, somehow in over two-hundred years he’s apparently never seen that, but now he has and, thanks to the power of boners and feminism (which ironically do not mix), he sees a path to once again being a fully realized and independent man.

If that’s not bad enough, the B-plot of the Lobos Crime Family trying to do whatever they are trying to do (I honestly can’t remember and don’t care to find out) felt like the discarded script for a Joel Schumacher Batman movie. The direction wasn’t any better. In fact, the only thing missing was ice skates popping out of the bottom of Dracula’s shoes and Arnold Schwarzenegger making bad ice puns.

When the fangs retract and the high from sucking the life force from unsuspecting victims has subsided, half of Renfield is a 0% in every one of our rating categories, while the other half is in the 80s to 90s…maybe even a couple 100s. If this ends up streaming for free on a network that you already have access to, you should definitely watch it just for the good half.


  • Every man is either a moron, disgusting beta male, dirty cop, evil murderous henchman, or a centuries-old blood-sucking vampire.
  • Only the two intersectionally appropriate Hollywood quota-filling female cops are worth a d@mn.
  • Awkwafina is 5’1″ but is able to take down men three times her size in hand-to-hand combat.
  • With only the two women as exceptions, law enforcement is treated as though they are all dirty. There’s even a sign on the precinct wall that says “Don’t solve crime till overtime.”


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James Carrick

James Carrick is a passionate film enthusiast with a degree in theater and philosophy. James approaches dramatic criticism from a philosophic foundation grounded in aesthetics and ethics, offering insight and analysis that reveals layers of cinematic narrative with a touch of irreverence and a dash of snark.


  • Gus

    May 8, 2023 at 10:36 pm

    I downloaded this movie with fair intentions of enjoying it but flicking through it saw the dumpy little asian and thought well heck, if this is set in New Orleans, why isn’t this character at least a sassy black lady or a moody middle aged black man or whatever. The casting for this film is atrocious. The British kid’s accent is terrible and he’s too pretty to be mistaken for a grown man. But the asian girl made it unwatchable for me and I didn’t even bother watching my pirated copy before deleting it in disappointment.



    • James Carrick

      May 8, 2023 at 11:35 pm

      Thanks for the comment Gus. We were pretty disappointed in it as well.

      One thing though, the actor who played Renfield, Nicholas Hoult, is from Wokingham, Berkshire, England.


  • Mombie

    May 22, 2023 at 9:58 am

    Well I was planning on going to the theater but I guess I’ll wait for this one to stream. Saint Nicholas Cage is a vampire reminds me of the movie he did in the ’80s – Vampire’s Kiss. lol! Absolute cheese.


    • James Carrick

      May 22, 2023 at 10:30 am

      It’s available for VOD right now, but I wouldn’t pay the $20 for it.


  • Chris

    June 1, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    I don’t regret watching it, but I don’t believe I will ever have the need/desire to watch it again.


  • Don

    June 2, 2023 at 9:26 pm

    Awkwafina is everything wrong with the world. Crazy Rich Asians survived her but I immediately pass now when I see her name on a poster or trailer. Unfortunately I did not know she was in this until I was in the theater


    • James Carrick

      June 2, 2023 at 10:15 pm

      I actively avoid as much spoil-rich news as possible, going so far as to rarely watch more than the teaser trailer for a movie we will review. That way, my opinion can be as untainted as possible. So, I didn’t know that she voiced the new scuttle until after I’d watched the travesty that is the new Little Mermaid, but I remember thinking that I was going to find out what horrific voice actor it was and remember her for future films.


  • Rick

    June 5, 2023 at 11:56 am

    I actually enjoyed Renfield enough to see it a the theater twice, but I’m a fan of both Nicks, which covered its multitude of sins. Wasn’t too put off by the obligatory gay characters as they were mere accessories. The cartoony violence was over the top, but this fun romp was exactly what you might expect from a Nicholas Cage-as-a-vampire movie.
    Thanks for this website! You’re providing a much-needed service.


    • Matt

      June 13, 2023 at 1:14 am

      You definitely drink bud light. Groomer



  • Stuart V. Burt

    June 18, 2023 at 2:17 pm

    I watched it on Peacock + and had a laugh, but I am glad I did not have to pay money at the cinema for it or rent it.


  • Garry

    August 10, 2023 at 2:25 pm

    5 out of 5

    the action scenes (the initial 8 seconds) and when a father comes out saying that we are the last in the class I give it a 9/10.
    If the film had been serious it would have been great, but in our time the cinema has to have its share of forced inclusion. Comedy has been used for years to smooth over the mediocrity of today’s screenwriters.
    Nicolas cage 10/10


  • Jason Bender

    May 6, 2024 at 8:39 pm

    Renfield mocks wokeness more than anything. 4.5 stars.


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