Comments on: Cabrini If it ain't woke don't miss it Mon, 01 Apr 2024 18:30:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: T Mon, 01 Apr 2024 18:30:42 +0000 This was a very well done movie and told an incredible story based on a true story. It’s great that it portrayed the story of a woman that did a lot of great things; however, it was agonizing how the movie had to keep blatantly reminding the audience that she was a woman, which oozed with the woke ultra-feminist “women are better than men” feel. I get that women weren’t treated very well back then, but that message was over the top and unnecessarily pushed too heavily. I wanted the message to be about her great accomplishments, not what her gender was. It was otherwise a really great movie.

By: Herb Sun, 17 Mar 2024 16:43:25 +0000 This movie was super woke. The feminist girl boss trope. The immigrants are just poor innocent victims trope. The evil white man is oppressing the brown skinned people. The song in the middle of the movie about immigrants “I have no homeland” sure you do, you can always go back to Italy. I’m sure Cabrini was a nice lady that helped a lot of orphans, but to pretend that thus movie wasn’t intended to heap on white guilt to make us feel bad for today’s “immigrants” is just nonsense. It’s ok to have hiring quotas for a building project as long ad they are Italians. It’s ok to preserve your culture as long as you aren’t a White Anglo Saxon Protestant. This movie was a giant woke sledgehammer masquerading as a Christian movie. Two big thumbs down.

By: Alex Fri, 15 Mar 2024 04:52:39 +0000 In reply to Jeff.

Agree. Movie seemed very woke to me.

By: James Carrick Wed, 13 Mar 2024 18:54:08 +0000 In reply to Frank.

As I said in the review, I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Even if I weren’t, I wouldn’t have marked the score much differently, it really does consist of two or three lines that felt incongruent.

But they’re on my radar now.

By: Frank Wed, 13 Mar 2024 18:33:06 +0000 Out of curiosity, if this movie was not a so call “Christian” movie, would your woke meter have been different?

Just remember, the devil is not at the bar on Saturday night, he is in church Sunday morning. He already has those at the bar, he wants those at church.

Angel Studios have already been called out for some of their wokeness happening behind the scenes, so should they be given the benefit of the doubt when other Studios would not?

By: Tee Tothejay Tue, 12 Mar 2024 14:13:35 +0000 Overall, I thought this was a good film. I agree with the reviewer, and would add a few things. I was surprised by the level of wokeness in the underlying theme of the movie, especially coming from Angel studios. Everywhere we turn today, whether it be television, movies, sports or politics, absolutely everything is about race and racial division. White people bad, everyone else good. Cabrini seemed to jump on the same train, with the “white versus brown” theme being prevalent throughout the entire story. Is this historically accurate? Most likely. Do we need yet another film stoking the flames of racial and ethnic division to try and convince us how awful our country is/was? For heaven’s sake, no. Most of us are downright exhausted by this subject at this point. To me this detracted from what was otherwise a well-acted and inspiring film. I also agree that the film seemed to give much of the credit/glory for what Cabrini accomplished to Cabrini herself. Her Christian faith almost seemed an afterthought. Overall a good film, but some disappointing woke underpinnings which were not expected from Angel studios.

By: James Mon, 11 Mar 2024 22:13:34 +0000 Based on the trailer the themes present in this film are racism, misogyny, anti immigration, poverty, child neglect, and a woman’s crusade against all of that. It’s got community organizing to boot. Seems pretty “woke” in the asinine appropriation use of the term -to me. I suppose it does have its baser qualities such as the hero/savior story arc. Looking forward to seeing it this week.

By: Peggy Connolly Sat, 09 Mar 2024 17:42:27 +0000 Saw the movie premiere yesterday, 3/8/34, in Linden NJ.
Woke/unwoke did not enter my mind once the movie started. I was immersed in this portrayal of Italian life in 1800’s NYC. My knowledge of the Era had often been from an Irish perspective. Now, I was seeing another picture clearly.
I was born one year before Mother Cabrini died in 1946. I recall being taken by my mother the upper Manhattan health clinic run by the sisters.
If anything, Mother Cabrini seems more a foremother of Sainted Mother Theresa of Calcutta
We’ll see this movie again….

By: Mark M Fri, 08 Mar 2024 20:42:24 +0000 I refuse to see this movie. I’m tired of the way directors and script writers use period movies as a way of slipping in social commentary with a liberal slant. Here’s a novel idea: fact based historic portrayals that are both entertaining and informative!

By: TheGhostofBelleStarr Thu, 07 Mar 2024 15:44:32 +0000 All this talk of “immigrants”. The immigrants during the movie time were LEGAL immigrants who were vetted. Todays “immigrants ” are ILLEGAL, breaking the law coming through our borders by the millions, getting ” free” Healthcare ( in California) while legal citizens pay for their own plus the illegals via TAXES.
