Batman ’89

It revolutionized the comic book movie, becoming the template upon which many are still made today. What movie is it? It's Batman '89.
Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson, Kim Basinger
Tim Burton
Action, Drama, Thriller, Superhero
Release date
June 23, 1989
Where to watch
Overall Score
Rating Overview
Rating Summary
Batman '89, directed by visionary Tim Burton and featuring Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson, was an exceptional achievement. The film was visually impressive with stunning aesthetics and visuals. The characters had excellent chemistry, and the script was well-crafted, balancing action, drama, humor, and suspense. The movie's success lay in its ability to bring a beloved comic book character to life in a way not seen before. It is a timeless classic that has captured the hearts of audiences around the world.
Audience Woke Score (Vote)
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In 1989, a film hit the theaters that was nothing short of a sensation – the world-famous Batman ’89. The movie was directed by visionary filmmaker Tim Burton and starred a talented cast, including one of Hollywood’s biggest stars, who played the Clown-Prince of Crime, Joker.

Batman (1989)

The film was a visual masterpiece, with a dark and brooding atmosphere that set the tone for an entire genre. The sets were breathtaking, and the special effects were some of the best of their time, creating an unforgettable world that audiences could not get enough of.

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The surprise standout performance in the movie came from none other than the actor who portrayed the caped crusader himself, Michael Keaton – he brought a depth and complexity to the role that was unmatched by any other actor who had played the part before him. But, of course, the Joker was not to be outdone, and the incomprable Jack Nicholson brought his signature charisma and style to the role, creating a character that was equal parts terrifying and hilarious.

The chemistry between the two characters was electric, and it was a thrill to watch them battle it out on screen. The supporting cast was also top-notch, bringing their A-game to every scene and adding depth and nuance to the world of Gotham City.

The script was expertly crafted, with a perfect balance of action, drama, humor, and suspense. The movie was a masterclass on how to bring a beloved comic book character to life, and it left audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

Overall, the 1989 Batman movie was a cinematic triumph. It was a thrilling, visually stunning, and emotionally satisfying film that brought a beloved character to life in a way that had never been seen before. The Jack Nicholson’s performance as Joker will go down in history as one of the most memorable portrayals of a villain in cinematic history, and the film itself will continue to be a beloved classic for generations to come.


Not one. Some might argue that casting Billy Dee Williams in the historically white role of District Attorney Harvey Dent was woke before there was woke, but I cannot see a young Tim Burton making a casting choice based on race and the ideological belief that it was his duty to right historical wrongs by filling a movie role. Against all common wisdom of the time, he cast 5′ 9″ Michael Keaton as Batman, who was best known for comedic roles like Mr. Mom. No, Burton cast Williams because he felt that he would bring something extra and special to the role.


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James Carrick

James Carrick is a passionate film enthusiast with a degree in theater and philosophy. James approaches dramatic criticism from a philosophic foundation grounded in aesthetics and ethics, offering insight and analysis that reveals layers of cinematic narrative with a touch of irreverence and a dash of snark.


  • Ktuff_morning

    May 13, 2024 at 3:32 pm

    This must be an old review since you sound even-tempered and you let a black man off the hook. Conservatives get more and more radical as the drug starts to lose its’ effectiveness after all. Not unlike the modern republican party radicalized death cult. I must say you’re getting evermore stringent in your reviews. If this is in fact a new review I’d admit I’m wrong and I’d be impressed.

    However. Billy Dee Williams is a fine actor and appropriate for the role on his own merits, but the fact remains he was put in there because of the color of his skin for mass appeal at the box office; minorities must be thrown a bone so to speak which is certainly not Burton’s decision but the producers. So is it woke? Is the profit motive woke Mr Capitalist? Tell me.

    If not, then isn’t all woke not woke at all but just a cynical money grab? How do you know they really give a crap about any virtue they push when it makes them dollars? How do you know they aren’t using virtue-signaling to forestall criticism simply from a profit perspective?

    How cynical is your money grab for selling tshirts that smear the stutterer Biden as demented anyway? You’re just as bad, if not worse because the only virtue you signal is destruction, death and chaos.


  • trump fist pump

    July 15, 2024 at 8:50 pm

    ktuff, i hope trump throws you in a detention camp


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