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The Pope

Is he misrepresented in the media, or is he a socialist whacko and the worst thing to happen to Catholicism since The Spanish Inquisition?

I think it's somewhere in the middle. I don't think he means any harm or anything that's not entirely Christian, but he does seem to be a bit disconnected from reality at times. Like the time he told Ukraine to surrender: I don't think he understands what Russia really is and what their goals are. He wouldn't have suggested that if he knew that giving way to Russia equals giving way to genocide. There are also some homosexual-related quotes that are wildly misrepresented in the media, they make it sound like he's going towards gay marriage or something but that's not true at all. The latest one I heard was "blessing gay couples"... he didn't suggest blessing their union, he suggested blessing those individuals to help them pursue breaking from the sin.

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I was gradually becoming distraught with his inability to call a spade a spade but then I started to think a bit more about it.  Remember, the Pope repreresent's Christ's love.  He will not be coming at things from the left or right, but directly from Christ's teaching.  Consequently, he may not put things precisely as we would like him to, but does indeed align with our faith and trust.  For example, Francis does not believe that same-sex marriage is a thing at all.  It is not recognised and shouldn't be as it doesn't exist in reality.  He does, however, recognise the persons that do think the opposite and prays for those persons (hopefully that they will recognise they are sinning).  Thinking a little more about it has helped me understand Francis' views, and I can accept them easier knowing the above.  It does not change my understanding of applying the Gospel - and indeed assists me to see as Christ does (hopefully).  The Catholic church will not ever accept the evils of the progressive left with regard to "gay marriage", abortion, euthanasia and other despicable aspects of secular life.


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