Princess Peach: Showtime!

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Nintendo Switch
E10 (10 and up)
Action, Adventure
Release date
March 22, 2024
Audience Woke Score (Vote)
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Princess Peach, initially introduced as Princess Toadstool in Super Mario Bros. (1985), started as a damsel in distress needing rescue from Bowser. Her role expanded in Super Mario Bros. 2 (1988), where she became a playable character with her own unique abilities. Over the years, Peach evolved into a more independent figure, starring as the protagonist in Super Princess Peach (2005) and PC in games like Mario Kart and Mario Party. Recent appearances, such as in Super Mario Odyssey (2017) and, of course, Princess Peach: Showtime!, showcase her as a more assertive and self-reliant character.

Princess Peach: Showtime!

Princess Peach: Showtime! is an action-adventure game developed by Good-Feel for the Nintendo Switch. In this game, Peach embarks on a series of stage plays and performances to rescue the Sparkle Theater from its captors with the assistance of the theater’s guardian, Stella. The story unfolds as Peach battles Grape, a wicked sorceress, and her minions, the Sour Bunch, who have taken over the theater. Along the way, Peach gains the power of Sparkle, allowing her to transform into various costume-like forms, each with its own unique gameplay style. These forms include Swordfighter Peach, Detective Peach, Patissiere Peach, and Kung Fu Peach.


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James Carrick

James Carrick is a passionate film enthusiast with a degree in theater and philosophy. James approaches dramatic criticism from a philosophic foundation grounded in aesthetics and ethics, offering insight and analysis that reveals layers of cinematic narrative with a touch of irreverence and a dash of snark.

One comment

  • Sweet Deals

    August 7, 2024 at 11:14 pm

    Princess Peach Showtime essentially does for Peach what Luigi’s Mansion does for Luigi. None of the other Mario characters are present in this game, giving Peach the opportunity to take the spotlight and do her own thing. In this case, Peach takes the starring role in a series of stage plays where she gets to be ten different types of female-oriented fantasy superhero and save the day.

    This game is cute and fun and contains absolutely no woke or objectionable content in it.


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