Bad Boys: Ride or Die

Bad Boys: Ride or Die is missing more than a few steps but is it still worth watching?
Will Smith, Martin Lawrence
Adil El Arbi, Bilall Fallah
Action, Adventure, Comedy
Release date
Jun 7, 2024
Overall Score
Rating Overview
Rating Summary
The Bad Boys ain't boys no more. 55-year-old Will Smith has aged ten years in the four since since 2020's Bad Boys for Life and something is clearly seriously wrong with Martin Lawrence. However, despite its numerous flaws Bad Boys: Ride or Die is dumb summer fun that fans of the franchise will likely recognize as the worst in the series but still enjoy.
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Tying Tom Cruise for the highest-paid actor of all time ($100 million for Men In Black 3) and once one of the most sought-after performers in the world, Will Smith has been persona non grata since the infamous slapping of his one-time friend Chris Rock at the 2022 Academy Awards. Will Bad Boys: Ride or Die be his box office redemption?

Bad Boys: Ride or Die

“Bad Boys: Ride or Die” is the fourth installment in the Bad Boys series. Detectives Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) investigate corruption within the Miami Police Department. When their late Captain Conrad Howard is posthumously accused of being involved with organized crime, they become fugitives, working outside the law to solve the case.

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Bad Boys: Ride or Die Review

CORRECTION: In the following review, I mistakenly attribute the direction of this film to Michael Bay. However, Bay only directed the first and second movies. Both Bad Boys For Life and Ride or Die were directed by Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah, who do a very credible job emulating Bay’s visual style.


1995’s Bad Boys was a high-octane thrill ride with fun one-liners and big explosions. Bad Boys II was derivative but still benefitted from a ton of charisma in front of the camera, and Michael Bay’s signature over-the-top and bombastic style, and For Life wasn’t made for Mensa but had a lot of heart.

Unfortunately, Ride or Die probably exists only to capitalize on the franchise’s goodwill in an effort to rehabilitate Will Smith’s tarnished reputation, and it shows. The three key players, Smith, Lawrence, and Michael Bay, who’s returned for this fourth installment after sitting out on the last one, all seem to be missing a step or two.

Smith has aged considerably in the last few years, and Bay’s direction isn’t as crisp as it once was. However, none have slowed as much as Martin Lawrence, who is either wasted, has suffered from a stroke, or is on the verge of one as he performs through molasses with borderline slurred speech, dead battery energy, and bloodshot eyes that look on the verge of exploding in every scene.

Of course, with exceptions like 2006’s Children of Men and 2010’s Inception, no one expects much depth of story from most action flicks. This is good because Ride or Die bloats the runtime with some unneeded and unwanted subplots that go nowhere and leave the audience unsatisfied. Furthermore, the villains are beyond generic and obvious, but you go to a Bad Boys movie because they make guns go boom, and the chemistry and silly banter between its leads are good for a laugh or two. There’s a healthy amount of both in Ride or Die, and it’ll likely be enough to satisfy franchise fans.

If you can turn your brain off long enough, the second half of the movie has enough to keep you entertained, and there is one absolutely fantastic action scene that channels the energy and badassery of the other installments. Ultimately, Bad Boys: Ride or Die isn’t up to our standards for an official recommendation as Worth it, but it is a mildly entertaining diversion that’s probably better if you know what you’re getting yourself into.



Systemic Racism and Equal Opportunity Villains
  • Not every white guy is a villain, nor is every villain a white guy, but all the top villains are white guys, and even the convenience store robber is white.
  • These racist villains, with their race-based glass ceiling, have no problem with “tough” gals in their paramilitary outfit.
    • The ladies are all background noise. One has a couple of lines. It just looks silly.
  • There’s a scene featuring rednecks right out of a Californian’s nightmare. Total racist cartoons.
Bud Weis Eeeeerrrr
  • The racist rednecks must be a little progressive because the clothes that the Smith and Co steel from them include a relatively new-looking Bud Light t-shirt which is proudly sported throughout several of the next scenes.


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James Carrick

James Carrick is a passionate film enthusiast with a degree in theater and philosophy. James approaches dramatic criticism from a philosophic foundation grounded in aesthetics and ethics, offering insight and analysis that reveals layers of cinematic narrative with a touch of irreverence and a dash of snark.


  • Charles Betancourt

    June 8, 2024 at 11:22 am

    Dudes, we TRULY appreciate you guys. It is super hard to find content these days that isn’t a leftist echo chamber and full of effeminate men, girl bosses, and idiotic DEI crap. I’ve Loved all of the previous movies from this franchise, so I hope this one lives up to its predecessors. I can handle 10% wokeness, but I hope that we truly reach 0% soon. I can’t take it anymore.


    • Aloysius T. McKeever

      June 8, 2024 at 3:20 pm

      I’d say there was 0% and It’s a great movie !



  • Aloysius T. McKeever

    June 8, 2024 at 1:26 pm

    I absolutely loved this movie.

    Laughed a lot (rare in film today ).
    Some super cool action scenes(with some innovative stuff )
    Side Character moments that were amazing .
    Cast chemistry.
    Fun guy movie .
    Kept a quick pace which I want from a movie like this .

    These directors have some talent and am excited for whatever action film they do next.



  • Aloysius T. McKeever

    June 8, 2024 at 1:32 pm

    Micheal Bay outside of the cameo has nothing to do with this movie … your review implies he played a key role in it?


    • James Carrick

      June 8, 2024 at 3:19 pm

      Thanks. Wrote this at 3 am and I was a little punchy. I’m on the road now but will fix it soon.


      • Aloysius T. McKeever

        June 8, 2024 at 3:20 pm

        Haha gotcha!


  • Nathan

    June 8, 2024 at 5:42 pm

    Just got home from watching. What the review says is true. The movie is based out of Miami where even the mini-mart robber at the beginning is a redhead white guy. Every bad guy is white. If memory serves me correctly, even the prison scene only shows White and Hispanic men, no blacks. This movie is blatantly racist!



  • Jay

    June 10, 2024 at 12:12 am

    I hate using Google or other browsers due to privacy issues, so I use Brave, which is much better. It also has a built in ad blocker, which your site now blocks. I guess this is goodbye then



    • James Carrick

      June 10, 2024 at 12:35 am

      The simple fact of the matter is that without either ad revenue or paid memberships, there is no Worth it or Woke.

      You could always whitelist us in Brave or choose one of our add-free memberships.


      • Bunny With A Keyboard

        June 10, 2024 at 12:13 pm

        I am a poor little bunny rabbit with no money, so I can’t do subscription, but I’m good with the ads. I’m not a Marxist that expects you to do this for free.


    • The_Duggan

      July 24, 2024 at 4:19 pm

      Just white list this site. Easy-peezy. I use an ad blocker as well.


  • Yugeshan

    June 11, 2024 at 12:42 pm

    I’m really sick of watching movies with seemingly super tough looking professional soldier units but with the obligatory women thrown in. Looks ridiculous and its even worse when they throw men twice their size around like rag dolls. Luckily for the most part they are just in the background but seriously, it looks like even hardcore criminals do diversity hires lol. About the Ads, I will happily view a few ads to view this site as it helps us a lot to get an idea of how woke a movie is. Back in the day, I wouldn’t want to know a single thing about a film before I see it as I want to be surprised and not what anything to be given away. Nowadays I don’t have a choice, I have to google it first to check if its woke or not. This is a great website, keep it up. Thanks.


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